Home remedies for heart
Health & Fitness

Home remedies for heart: Drink bottle gourd juice only for 21 days, heart attack will never happen

Home remedies for heart:  The number of heart attack patients is continuously increasing in the country and the world. The condition is that the crowd of heart patients is increasing at the doctors. There will be only one house in the country that does not have a heart patient. Today we will tell you such a home remedy, adopting which will solve the problem related to a heart attack. This home remedy was told by ancient Maharishi Vagvat.

Home remedies for heart

Home remedies for heart
Home remedies for heart

Three thousand years ago Maharishi Vagvat wrote a book named Ashtanga Hrudayam Astang hrudayam. In this book, he had written more than seven thousand formulas to cure many diseases. One of them is Sutra. Vagvat ji writes that if the heart is being attacked, that is, the blockage is starting to occur in the tubes of the heart, then it means that the acidity in the blood has increased. Acidity is called acidity in English. There are two types of acidity. One is the acidity of the stomach and the other is the acidity of the blood.

When the acidity in the stomach increases, then you will say that there is a burning sensation in the stomach. Sour belching is coming. Mouth watering. If this acidity increases further, then there will be hyperacidity and when this acidity of the stomach increases and enters the blood, then blood acidity becomes blood acidity. When acidity increases in the blood, then this acidic blood cannot pass through the blood vessels of the heart and causes blockage in the vessels. Only then heart attack happens. Heart attack does not happen without it and this is the biggest truth of Ayurveda.

Home remedies for heart
Home remedies for heart

What is the treatment?

Maharishi Vagvat ji writes that when acidity has increased in the blood, then you should use or consume such things which are alkaline. Generally, there are many such things in all the kitchens which are alkaline. Those who are consumed will never get heart attack.

what is the most alkaline thing?

Gourd which is also called Dudhi, in English it is called bottle gourd. It is consumed as a vegetable. There is nothing more alkaline than this. Take out the juice of bottle gourd and consume it daily or eat raw bottle gourd. Rishi Vagvat says that gourd has the maximum power to reduce the acidity of the blood.

Home remedies for heart
Home remedies for heart

How much and when to consume?


Consuming 200 to 300 mg of bottle gourd juice daily is beneficial. It should be consumed daily in the morning on an empty stomach. If you want, you can drink after half an hour of breakfast. Bottle gourd juice can be made more alkaline by adding 7 to 10 basil leaves. You must add black salt or rock salt along with it. This is also very alkaline, but remember, put only black or rock salt, do not use any other salt.

This juice will cure all your heart blockage in a period of 2 to 3 months. You will start seeing a lot of effect on the 21st day itself. You will not need any operation. It will be treated at home by our Ayurveda of India.

Note: This article is based on the information given in ancient texts. Be sure to consult your doctor before taking any initiative.

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