Indian Folk Music
Art Culture

The 8 Varieties Of Indian Folk Music That Mesmerise Your Heart And Soul

Indian Folk Music : The folk tradition is a part of us, as long as we continue to remain children of nature and a rustic tradition that we carry as a part of our genes. Nature and man have always been in perfect congruence and synchronization and Folk music, a result of this perfect cultural harmony.

Indian Folk Music

Rhythm adds the lively feel to the songs, making it eminently hummable. Folk rhythms have a natural beat and metre for example Dadra (6 beats) and Chachar (7 beats) as per Dr. Ashok D Ranade. It is a beautiful medley of singing, dancing and playing instruments all put together into one incredible show. It is music that fits into any mood, any occasion which involves body movements accompanying the music.

As per Dr. Satyendra, Folk music are the songs expressing the mindscape of masses Folk music has been passed down to us through oral tradition with being codified. Creators of these music have preferred to remain anonymous. It is a group or community music than solo based. It is interesting to note that most of our classical ragas have originated from the folk tunes.

olk songs are also sung during miscellaneous occasions, like harvesting, and pounding of corn etc. Folk music is a beautiful amalgamation of songs and story woven together into one musical rendition. Although sometimes the text of the song changes, the raga would remain the same. Older songs get replaced by newer versions according to the passing of time. Here is an insight into some of the popular Folk musical styles practiced in various regions of India.

Indian Folk Music
Indian Folk Music

1. Naatupura Paatu (Tamil Nadu)

Part of Natupura Patu of Tamil Nadu is also made use of by Rajastan folk singers in their folk songs. Folk music of the village is called Gamathisai and Gana is the urban music. Drums and shenai and a dance performance accompany the vocal music.

2. Lavani And Koli (Maharashtra)

This type of music is essentially dance based and foot tapping Dholki beats are its lifeline. Women usually sing these songs that have a mildy classical touch to the style of singing, Lavani songs are used in theatre wherein the lyrics are based on social and political themes. It has also impacted the Indian pop music considerably. There is a folk music system especially for fisherfolk. The Koli music expresses their pleasure and cheerful emotions in a dance based form which is loud, lively and swift paced. It features music with mostly the swaying movement in dances that signifies rowing and their lives at sea.

3. Baul and Bhatiali (Bengal)

Baul is a word with Sanskrit origin which means divine insanity. Lyrics, as you guessed, are philosophical and the melodies resonate with the Bengali spirit and emotions. Playing the rustic instruments such as the Khamak, Ektara and Dotara, the Bauls set out on a spiritual journey through their catchy songs. On the other hand, the Bhatiali music of Bengal is the music for boatmen essentially. But their Lyrics, music and the inherent philosophy are different. their Lyrics are focused on nature and music is limited to varied melodies. The songs too have a gloomy touch to them as they describe the transience of life and deeper realizations of the soul which touch the heart in a melancholic way. These are the songs the boatmen sing when they are on a faraway trip from home.

4. Bihugeet (Assam)

They are a soothing combination of moving lyrics and touching melodies. Life in the farmland, the bounty of nature in Assam, the dreams of assamese and love relationships. Bihugeet is accompanied usually by the Bihu dance which is performed by young boys and girls who sway rhythmically to the melodies of the song. Bihu music has rhythmic yet very serene moves.

Indian Folk Music
Indian Folk Music

5. Traditional Folk Of Punjab

Punjab music has caught the fancy of connoisseurs at a global level and it has given a pride of place for indian music even in the western musical sphere. Punjabi folk has one of the liveliest styles and contagious rhythm which is more impactful than Bhangra. Folk songs especially with the narrative of Jugni, the innocent female butterfly engaged in observation of life, touch your raw emotions.


6. Zeliang (Nagaland)

A type of folk with a strong primitive touch, the Zeliang music expresses tribal romance and history of the land, in musical terms. The primal essence of this music in resonates with the original rustic inside you. Lyrics are also about the harvest season. Zeliang is a music performance rendered by a group with dance and dialogues interspersed in between.

7. Maand (Rajasthan)

This traditional folk songs have a classical touch about them. This music is based on the expressive notes of the Sarangi and the life of Rajastanis which comes across as a cross between the pure classical and the folk. They are Rajastan’s very own musical nuances that make them unique. Any art lover would certainly take to it like a fish would to water, as it is the most refined folk style of all folk musical genre in the country.

8. Kajari (Bihar and Uttar Pradesh)

A Mirzapur based folk musical school, with classical influences, the music of Kajari is melancholic, and sung by women when they are away from their husbands for too long a time. A young woman by the name Kajal, missed her husband during monsoon to such an extent that she cried at the feet of the Lord, and her cries eventually got traditionally transformed into Kajari songs of languish.

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